Privacy Policy

To protect the rights and interests of users, please read the following regulations carefully before using this website. If visitors use any of the services we provide, they agree to and comply with all regulations of this website and local laws.

We provide shopping services and price inquiries through the website. The prices provided are reference prices. The actual sales prices are subject to the final report of our staff. The brand products provided on the website are guaranteed to be authentic.

After the user completes the registration (if applicable), he/she shall be responsible for the security of this account and password, and shall not transfer, lend or disclose his/her account and password to others. If he/she finds that his/her account is illegally used by others, he/she shall notify us immediately. We do not assume any responsibility if the account and password are illegally used by others.

We will not publish any information about individual users. The collected personal data will be used to provide users with the content, products or services they request, contact users, conduct market research, improve services, provide discounts to members, etc.

The prices we provide are for reference only. If users suffer losses as a result, we do not assume any liability for compensation.

If any provision of this Agreement is invalid or unenforceable in whole or in part for any reason, the remaining provisions of this Agreement shall remain valid and binding.

If you have any questions about privacy, please contact us.
